3 Ways To Cultivate Generosity

You already know there are so many benefits of being generous. Studies show that generous people are more confident and even more productive. Not only does generosity boost your positivity and happiness, but it also impacts the people around you.

Although the holiday season is known for generosity, it is an attitude to grow and cultivate all year long! Not only will you reap the benefits of your giving, but you never know the effect you can have on someone else. With Christmas and Thanksgiving right around the corner, here are some ways to help you count your blessings and cultivate generosity in your life this season.

1. Acts of Kindness

Acts of generosity don't always need to be about gifts that cost a lot of money. Start where you are! Support your favorite local restaurant, business, or nonprofit by writing a great review and spreading their name.

Then take a look around your neighborhood and see who you can help with simple gestures of kindness. Leave a kind note for a neighbor or offer to help them with yard work. Share your mother's famous chicken noodle soup recipe with a sick neighbor.

Challenge yourself to complement one person every day. Not only will this make others feel good, but when you receive compliments, you often start giving them out as well.

Another great place to start is filling a FriendsGiving Bag with your family to deliver to people who could use a great Thanksgiving meal. No matter how big or small the act, helping people around you makes their lives easier and your neighborhood better!

2. Give Financially

Amazing things can happen when you give to the people around you or partner with charitable organizations to join in with what God is doing in your city and across the globe.

Take a moment to prayerfully look over your year and ask, "God, how do you want to shape me in these next months through giving?" Make a plan to share your blessings during tax season, your early review, or other times you might get an unexpected increase in income.

Then take a look at the unique opportunities or challenges around you. Perhaps God challenges you to take a bold next step, like paying for a neighbor's energy bill, increasing your donation, or setting up recurring giving to a local organization. 

3. Volunteer

Not only is donating money a great way to help, volunteering your time is a great option too! Rally your people and find an organization that you love the mission of, and support them by volunteering your time and sharing their name and cause. Here is a list of excellent Community Care Partners who would be thankful for the helping hand!

This is the season to be even more generous to those around you. Whether you do something big or small, a generous act can bring life to the people around you.

Giving helps you remember God's provision with gratitude and express your trust in Him to provide in the future. It names Jesus king and not time or money.

Every time you give in Jesus' name, you are making a difference in others. AND you are making a difference in your own life! During this season of giving, take a look at this list and pray for a new generosity habit you can start and continue throughout the year.

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