Staying Together In Faith

What's harder than going through hard things? Going through hard things alone. As a follower of Jesus, living in a world that doesn't always cooperate with your faith can be tough. But you don't have to do it alone. The book of 1 Peter offers essential guidance for holding onto your faith, especially in challenging times.

Peter, one of Jesus' closest friends, wrote to early Christians facing persecution and hardship. His message is clear: you need four essential things to stay strong in your faith—identity in Christ, hope, holiness, and community.

Here are some ways to help you stay together in faith:

  • Remember Your Identity in Christ: You are not defined by the world's standards but by your trust in God. Hold onto who you are in Christ.

  • Hold Onto Hope: Despite the challenges, remember that in Jesus, the bad won't last, and the good won't end. Keep your eyes on the eternal hope you have.

  • Pursue Holiness: Align your actions with God's character. Obey His truth and let His holiness shape your life.

  • Stay Together: The only thing harder than facing hard times is facing them alone. Make space for others, invite them into your life, and support one another.

Reflect on these four essentials this week. Ask yourself, "Is there any way I am making it hard to stay together?" If so, get rid of it. Make space for others and offer the unique gifts God has given you. Embrace the community of believers around you and stay strong in your faith together.


Embracing your identity in Christ isn't always easy, but it anchors you in truth. Listen to the full message for more insights.

Living Your FaithKASEY SMITH