Let’s Motivate One Another

We all want to do good, but sometimes we need a little inspiration! Simple stories of people doing simple things in Jesus’ name to bring life can fill us with motivation to do the next good thing for others! AND telling the stories here can get you all ready to tell the stories to your neighbors, faces & places and to people who don’t yet know Jesus.

So let’s inspire one another…

  • Tell stories around the dinner table or online about times you have served others… focus on what God did IN you and not just through you.

  • Keep a running list of good you have seen others do for the next week… cheer one another on!

  • Go to Canyonridge.org and click on “I Can Help” to get connected to a family who needs groceries.  Come back and tell the story!

  • Talk to neighbors about ways you can work with them to serve other neighbors in need.  Try something THIS WEEK and come back to tell us the story.