How To Make Time For Hospitality

Do you have room in your life for hospitality? Whether giving of your own time and space, or receiving others’ invitations, experiencing hospitality shows you a part of God’s character. In Luke 14:15-23, Jesus tells the parable of the Great Banquet. The host invites many people in, and they all decline, giving different excuses. Then he sends his servant back out to invite those who are “outcasts” — making sure there is room for everyone. The same is true of God and his house. Everyone is welcome!

This week, practice these three steps to grow hospitality in your own life: 

  1. Widen Your Circle

    In your circle, do you only invite those who are like you, or who would help you? Make a list of people in your life who you can invite in.

  2. Clean Up Your Calendar

    Do you have margin space for others? If your schedule is so full that there’s no room to help a friend in need, or grab coffee with a struggling coworker, something needs to change. How can you clean your routine to allow more margin?

  3. Limit Your Lifestyle

    Living for comfort and pleasure is not what God has in mind for his people. How can you limit your own comforts in order to accept God’s invitation and extend invitations to others?

As you reflect on the parable of the Great Banquet, remember that God's invitation is always open, and His table has room for everyone. By embodying His hospitality, you not only reflect His character but also create spaces where others can experience His love and grace. This week, take intentional steps to widen your circle, clean up your calendar, and limit your lifestyle, making room for the kind of hospitality that mirrors God's own welcome.

Dive Deeper

Discover how embracing gospel hospitality can transform your relationships and reflect God's character. Explore what it means to create spaces of welcome and grace in your daily life.

Written By: Molly Spikereit