Embracing Radical Hospitality

Have you ever considered who you invite into your life? Jesus challenges you to go beyond your comfort zone. Instead of only inviting friends, family, and those who can repay you, think about the marginalized and forgotten. Who are the excluded in your community? How can you extend an invitation to them?

Jesus' message is clear: true hospitality involves risk and discomfort. It’s not about grand gestures but about genuine, heartfelt inclusion. You might feel introverted or think your space is too small, but remember, hospitality is about the spirit, not the size of your home. The Holy Spirit can transform you into a hospitable person, reflecting Jesus' love.

Consider these steps to grow in hospitality:

  • Widen the Circle: Look beyond your usual social circles. Who have you not invited that might need your kindness?

  • Clean Up the Calendar: Create margin in your schedule. Are you too busy to be hospitable? Make time for unexpected opportunities to serve.

  • Limit Your Lifestyle: Live below your means to have resources to share. Are you spending every dollar on yourself, or are you saving to bless others?

How does your hospitality declare what God is like? Embracing radical hospitality as Jesus taught not only transforms your life but also powerfully declares God's inclusive love to the world. By widening your circle, creating margin in your schedule, and living below your means, you can make a profound impact on those who need it most.