5 Ways to Respond To The Spirit

5 Ways To Respond To The Spirit

God's Spirit is IN us, and His Spirit is AMONG us. When we live by the Spirit, we are extraordinarily-empowered people! 


Have you ever thought you had nothing to offer or that you were supposed to do it alone, or that the work of God is not for you? If you have ever thought that before, the Spirit invites you to something else more true today. 

What's true is that the Spirit invites everyone to use their strengths together to experience a Spirit-filled life that is empowering, encouraging, and exhilarating. 


The Spirit shapes the character of Jesus in us to live out the calling of Jesus around us. So, let's take some time to reflect. How will you actively acknowledge the reality that the Spirit empowers you to join others to bring good news?


This week, try responding to your reality of being Spirit-empowered in these ways:

  • Bring out your calendar and make time with someone right now to come together, affirm, and celebrate the ways the Spirit has gifted you.

  • Spend time exploring and clarifying the ways the Spirit brings life through you!

  • Identify people you are committed to partnering with intentionally living life with the Spirit.

  • Confess to any of the ways comparison or competition has crept in, and commit to unity with others again.

  • Pray for and take opportunities to love and serve others this week so they can know Jesus more.


The thing about living life with the Spirit is that there is unlimited help, support, and friendship. As you continue to discover and uncover more of what the Spirit invites you to explore, experience, and engage in, share your story with others! Remember, you are evidence of Good News