5 Tips To Strengthen and Share Your Faith With Your Spouse

While nurturing a thriving marriage invites effort, navigating faith differences can add complexity. Sharing your faith with a non-believing spouse requires patience, kindness, and understanding. Here are 5 tips to help you strengthen your marriage while sharing your faith with your spouse:

5 Tips To Strengthen and Share Your Faith With Your Spouse

  1. Love With Respect - Ephesians 5:33 says, "So again I say, each man must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband." Leading with love and respect is essential in building a stronger marriage through faith. It's so important to be respectful of your spouse's beliefs, even if they don't align with your own. Avoid being judgmental or trying to force your beliefs on them. Instead, show them love and kindness always, and be patient as they explore their own beliefs.

  2. Lead By Example - One of the best ways to share your faith in Jesus with your spouse is to lead by example. How you experience and show up with God’s love will continue to witness to those around you, and those closest to you. Live out your faith in your daily life by cultivating your own relationship with God, by showing compassion and generosity, by practicing forgiveness. Share stories of how your faith has helped you through difficult times, has shaped the person you are, and has witnessed God’s loving presence.

  3. Pray For Your Spouse - Ephesians 3:14-21 says, “…And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is…who is able…to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or thing...” There is power in prayer, in praying to the all-powerful and all-loving God to meet your weakness with his strength. Pray through the truth of Scripture for you, your spouse, and your household, echoing prayers of those who have gone before you.

  4. Share Your Faith - While it's important to be respectful of your spouse's beliefs, it's also important to share your faith with them. Maybe listen to podcasts or journey through books together to stir up great conversations during mealtime. Share a song that has helped you experience God’s love for you. Pray for opportunities to discuss your beliefs, to ask powerful questions and listen well, and to share how your faith has impacted your life.

  5. Seek Guidance -  If you're struggling with sharing your faith with your spouse, you don’t have to walk alone! Seek guidance from a trusted mentor, a spiritual advisor, or a Biblical Care Coach who can show up with tangible support, encouragement, and practical advice on how to navigate these unique challenges you may be facing in your marriage. Start a prayer team with friends and loved ones. Life with Jesus means limitless support with his Spirit and with his people!

These 5 tips - love & respect, leading by example, prayer, open sharing, and seeking guidance - nurture not just your marital bond, but also deepen your connection with God. Embrace patience and trust that God is always up to something.