4 Steps to Contentment – No skipping steps

If thriving is ever going to be an option, then we must begin where we are.  Last week we gave an effort to quieting ourselves with God.  When we do this, we open ourselves to what’s really going on.  What can often be masked by busyness comes out when we slow down and quiet ourselves.  What do we do with that? We’d love to skip right to acceptance and contentment… but there are steps and stages to navigating loss.  A Life-Bringer, Carrie Hawkins brings us up to speed on the stages of grief and offers great insights to working through the loss we have been experiencing. Catch the highlights here on the Vlog.

Try this!

  • Share in the comments how you have navigated loss and moved toward contentment.

  • Talk with your people (family, friends, life group, neighbors) about how grief has been a journey in recent weeks. Tell them how.

  • What ways have you tried to embrace or deny the losses we have experienced in this season? Talk through them with a friend.

  • Make a plan and tell one of your people which of Carrie’s steps you will implement this week.

  • Check out this worship session shaped around Lament by Jeremy Lopez… https://youtu.be/P1qGtW9GFQM