3 Ways To Pray With The Spirit

3 Ways To Pray With The Spirit


Prayer is part of spiritual formation, and prayer helps deepen your relationship and friendship with Jesus! The Holy Spirit is at the center of who you are, living and dwelling within you, interceding on your behalf, and offering you extraordinary help.

So how do you do this? 


Here are some practical examples to take with you and begin to implement this week as you explore the rhythms of prayer in your own life.


  • Be expectant.

    • Expect to meet with God. James 4:8 says, “Come close to God, and God will come close to you.”

  • Be prepared.

    • Prepare yourself to hear from God. Begin with your Bible, have a journal ready, and music if it helps.

  • Be consistent.

    • Set aside time. Same time. Same place. Every day. Keep showing up.


There are many different prayer practices as far as what to pray, but the best thing to do is to simply experience it. Be present, invite the Spirit, and begin with praying: Holy Spirit, help. You might be surprised what prayer does in and through you.

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