3 Ways To Grow In Hospitality 

Chances are you've been the newcomer in a new city, new job, new neighborhood before. And, chances are that you've also encountered newcomers. There is something to this journey of stranger to newcomer to family. Unfortunately, for many people, the stranger or foreigner is someone less than. This isn't true of God. Across history and the story of God's people, God always embraces the stranger. 

The Gospel is a story about making strangers a family. Take some time this week to read through the Gospels and see the ways Jesus embraces strangers and invites them into his family over and over again! Isn't this what he did for you? Jesus is the best one to model, live, and empower his people to embody true hospitality: a generous invitation to relationship and belonging.

Look at the city of Las Vegas - glimmering and glitzy, the home to a booming hospitality industry known worldwide for its excellent customer service, unique shows, and 5-star meals. But, so many of these stellar experiences of hospitality are often transactional, whereas Gospel hospitality is relational. Who comes to mind when you think about hospitality?

Esteemed restauranteur, business mogul, and author Will Guidara shares, "There is no more powerful incentive to offer great hospitality than to be on the receiving end of it." The beauty of Gospel hospitality is that everyone is invited to receive it, experience it, and embody it to the people around. Ephesians 2:19-20 says, "So now you Gentiles are no longer strangers and foreigners. You are citizens along with all of God’s holy people. You are members of God’s family. Together, we are his house."

So, welcome in, come home, and help the next person become welcome and at home too. Here are 3 ways to grow in hospitality:

  1. Watch for hospitality: Pay attention to hospitality this week! When you enter into physical and relational spaces, what helps you feel welcome and invited in? What opportunities can you watch for to practice hospitality?

  2. Pursue hospitality: Consider and pray for those you can show and offer hospitality in small, creative, intentional ways!

  3. Celebrate hospitality: Celebrate the good of God welcoming you into his family! Meditate on Ephesians 2:18-22 this week. What stirs in you in becoming someone who embodies Gospel hospitality?

What step will you take in growing in Gospel hospitality?

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