3 Ways To Grow Better Friendships

Everyone wants better friends. Building a friendship with God works a lot like building friendships with people. No one wants to be alone; in fact, everyone wants to know there is someone by their side.


John 15:11-15 in the Message version says, "I've told you these things for a purpose: that my joy might be your joy, and your joy wholly mature. This is my command: Love one another the way I loved you. This is the very best way to love. Put your life on the line for your friends." John 15 encourages people to stay connected to Jesus and stay connected to one another.


Theologian N.T. Wright defines a friend as "a personal relationship of love and loyalty." Mutual, but not transactional. Connection, not achievement. Personal, but not individual. Does a friend come to mind? 

The ways you invest in your friendships give insight into how you invest in your friendship with God. Friendship with God is both remarkably intimate and fundamentally communal. Better friends explore, reveal, identify, partner, endure, correct, and celebrate one another. 


Do you want better friendships? This week, try these three ways to be open to bettering your friendships!

  1. Begin reading the gospel of John and watch friendships form. What might you learn about friendship from the life of Jesus?

  2. Look at your daily and weekly rhythms. How might you order or reorder your calendar relationally?

  3. How might asking, "Holy Spirit, how's our friendship today?" change and mature your friendship with Jesus?

Friendship with God is never distinct from friendship with others. Are you committed to building better friendships with God and with your people?

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