3 Things Christmas Teaches About Peace

Here is a blessing, a reminder, and an invitation of peace for this holiday season!



2 Thessalonians 3:16 says, "Now may the Lord of peace himself give you his peace at all times and in every situation. The Lord be with you all."


A picture of peace people get to experience is laughter with the people we love, gladness to be together, and experiencing joy with one another. The Biblical idea of peace goes even beyond that! It carries a meaning of wholeness - a peace that lacks nothing, restores everything, and puts relationships back together as they should be. 


Peace is the heart of the Christmas story. In Luke 2, the long-awaited Messiah arrives. In verse 13, it says, "Suddenly, the angel was joined by a vast host of others—the armies of heaven—praising God and saying,'Glory to God in highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased.'" The army of angels burst into praise because with the arrival of Jesus came the promise of peace, the righting of wrongs, the full definition of Shalom. And so, these speak this blessing over mankind: peace on earth




At the coming of Jesus' birth was a blessing. Now, followers of Jesus get to speak this blessing over one another everywhere and to everyone!


Over the next few days, may you experience moments that feel whole. These moments are glimpses of a day that is to come, where everything will be made completely and perfectly whole. Humans desire peace because everyone experiences a lack of peace. But, followers of Jesus have a confident hope in the Person of peace now and forever. 


In the moments of joy, of good food and deep laughter, may God's Spirit stir in you to look forward to the day when Jesus returns and makes everything whole.




This invitation of God's peace goes in both directions. If you've never experienced peace before, know today that God longs to be close. He showed up in a way you could understand. In whatever way you can, take a step to trust Jesus. He wants to restore relationship with you, deepen your connections with others, and bring peace to your life. 


If you enjoy God's peace and are finding more of his joy, today's invitation is to invite others into that same experience! Savor, enjoy, and live out peace in this season, expressing it gladly to one another as you partner with God in bringing peace on earth!


Followers of Jesus live out that kind of story - of peace for all and forever. This holiday season, say yes to the invitation to be an active contributor to all that God is up to!