3 Shifts to Pursue Unity

Jesus prayed at least one thing for all believers ever… unity. In a time full of change, loss, uncertainty, opinions, etc., how do we help people to come together instead of divide? Let’s get really practical with one another.  What can we DO to pursue and lead to unity? In our family,… church, city, and world.

Here is a quick, 3-part invitation to pursue unity along with insight from a few friends.

  • Post your favorite Scripture and very best ACTION to pursue unity in the comments.

  • Get curious… talk with your people (family, friends, neighbors) about how something you likely disagree about! Practice listening, getting curious, and considering God in the conversation.

  • Tell a close friend the current issue or concern you are MOST passionate about. Ask their help and support in you pursuing unity especially around this issue.

  • Sit as a family at dinner and make a list of issues on which you agree or disagree. Talk about how you can pursue unity as a family.