3 Places to Find Good From God

In the last six months, how has God shown up SO undeniably in your life that you had to share it with someone around you? This is who we are… we celebrate what God is doing… and share it with others .In a world where news travels fast (and bad news travels fastest), we have the opportunity and the calling to be multipliers of the good that God is bringing into our lives. No challenging seasons can stop God’s work in us and around us. He is at work in us, our neighborhoods, our friends, our family, and the people of Canyon Ridge.  Our video this week helps you look across the landscape of your life and see where God is at work… in presence, practice, and people. Let’s not let ANY good things God is doing go unnoticed, undeclared.

Let’s draw attention to God and encourage one another with stories of how God has shown up in our lives lately! Right now!

  • Answer that question below in the comments...

In the last six months, how has God shown up SO undeniably in your life that you had to share it with someone around you?Later today!

  • Text a friend or tell a neighbor the story you just told!

  • Pick 3 friends and tell 3 different stories.

Pull your people together and see how many others can hear stories from just your group of how good God has been.