3 Helpful Ways To Begin Healing From Trauma

3 Helpful Ways To Begin Healing From Trauma | By Sheena Montegrande

Trauma. A word that many of us have shied away from, denying that it could happen to us; a word that brings to mind people in the corner, suffering from a complete mental breakdown, when in reality, trauma is an emotional reaction to an abnormal, life-threatening event. And with a broken world, most people have experienced trauma on any part of the spectrum.

One of the hardest steps towards healing from trauma is first identifying that you or someone else is struggling with it because trauma can manifest in many ways.

Humans react to traumatic incidents in different ways because trauma happens in different contexts. Some are more noticeable, such as overwhelming guilt or shame, extreme or irrational fear, isolation or social anxiety. And, some are more subtle, like intrusive thoughts, carrying tension, and lack of sleep. No matter how you carry your trauma, it is an extremely valid and human experience. 

As followers of Jesus, trauma was not intended, and so, in pursuit of life to the full with Jesus and his people, healing is an invitation! Here are 3 helpful ways to begin the journey of healing from trauma:

  1. Give yourself time. Healing is not a sprint, and when we try to hurry the process, we often end up repressing even more. Instead, practice becoming fully present to yourself - what do you notice in you? Consider using the framework of looking back, looking around, and looking ahead.

  2. Healing cannot be done alone. Whereas trauma surfaces in a plethora of ways, trauma always affects the relationships we have with ourselves, with God, and with others. Therefore, healing happens in the context of healthy relationships! Ask yourself who you can rally around you to support you in this. Look across your life. Who are the trusted people that you can be vulnerable with who will partner with you in prayer (starting a prayer team link)?

  3. Professional help is a resource. God has placed people all across Las Vegas that are specially trained in healing from trauma and are willing to walk alongside people who are hurting, recovering, and pursuing healing. From Biblical Care Coaching to a list of counselors to Celebrate Recovery.

You are not alone. We are better together, in partnership, stepping towards the freedom and abundant life found with Jesus. Wherever you are on your journey, and whatever your story may be, remember you don’t have to go it alone.

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