Canyon Ridge Students


Help your students discover how to live into the story God is writing in their lives!

Canyon Ridge Students is a safe place where your students can find a community that knows who they are, loves them like Jesus, and empowers them to live for Him. Each week your students will discover how to live into the story God is writing in their lives and how to invite their friends into that story.

Every Saturday from 4:00p-5:00p (in the Student bldg.) & Sunday from 11:30a-12:30p (in the Chapel), your middle school students will meet and break into small groups to build friendships and discover how to join Jesus and reach their friends.

Every Wednesday from 6p-8p, your high school student will connect with friends here on campus and discover Jesus together, and be empowered to live like Him throughout the week.


Find Your People

God is up to something new in Las Vegas—and He wants you to be a part of it! Canyon Ridge is a place where you can find a community of people who will help you find YOUR next steps into what God is doing.
