Mexico Mission Trip | AMOR Ministries

Practicing "I Will..." statements is what people from Canyon Ridge did as they went on a mission trip to Mexico to tangibly share that God is always up to something!

The team rallied together to partner with AMOR ministries to build a home for a local family. Through a span of a few intentional days, the team experienced meaningful connections with the people they encountered and found opportunities to exchange stories! Danny, a member of the team who contributed as a filmmaker, a storyteller, and a translator shares this...

"Claudia, a mother of five and recently separated from her husband went into a dark season in her life. She found herself so depressed that she would not leave her house for days and developed a drinking problem. Brooke, a mother of two and one of our team members, previously shared with us about the divorce she had a year ago. She also found herself in a dark season when she would also not leave her house for days and began having eating issues. Through counseling and her faith in Jesus, she is finding hope day by day."

After noticing the similarities in both of their stories, Danny knew that the next best step was to connect Claudia and Brooke. Danny and Brooke were able to pray with Claudia, and speak hope in a new way.

When you are prayerfully aware and expectant of the people you encounter, there is always a beautiful opportunity to exchange stories! Like Danny, Claudia, and Brooke, stories of hope bring people together and send them along the way encouraged, expectant, and hopeful.

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