Karen's Story | FriendsGiving

Last year, Karen's heart for so many hurting people inspired her to pick up and pack 100 bags for FriendsGiving. This year, Karen has started rallying her coworkers, neighbors in her community, and clients from her hair salon in Las Vegas to bring life together. "I can't do it by myself. It takes a village."

Karen kept hearing "rally your people," and this is how she took it - tangibly, intentionally, and prayerfully. "I pray over these bags every night."


"I reached out to my community. There are 1500 homes here. Wouldn't it be amazing if all of [us] could help out?" From Karen's initial invitation to the people around her, a lady and her husband, both disabled, wanted to help and asked Karen to stop by to pick up canned foods enough for 3 FriendsGiving bags. 


Another story is of a client at her hair salon. "I can't give you money for a full bag, but I can give you money for a gift card." Karen's response is always, "anything helps because we [together] can make it work."


Karen also reached out to those in her group. "One of the girls is taking one of her [daughters] shopping and said, 'I want them to be involved in what we're doing.'"


These are all examples of how Karen creates space for people to come together and cooperate in bringing life. "I'm a testimony to that."

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