Joe & Shelee | Next Steps

Whether you’re brand new to Jesus or you’ve been on your spiritual journey for years, everyone has a next step to take. Joe and Shelee Rainey’s story is a wonderful example of people listening to God and discovering more and more next steps at Canyon Ridge!

Shelee and a friend first started attending Canyon Ridge, which was a healing experience for someone raised in the LDS church but who walked away from religion. But, Shelee knew Jesus, and this began a new chapter of finding a renewed relationship with him. Then she started inviting her husband, Joe. “Finally, one day, [Shelee asked], ‘do you want to go to church,’ and I haven’t missed a weekend since,” Joe recalls.

Their journey at Canyon Ridge began with realizing that they have a story to tell. That led to each of them taking step after step in partnership with God and his people. “It’s realizing what God is doing in my life and sharing that with people, spreading my faith, telling my story. And one thing leads to another. Each step I take, my confidence about how God is leading grows. Since Shelee got me to come to church, our partnership has really bonded, and has helped me to approach others to partner well together and grow with other people.”

Their first step was attending Discover Canyon Ridge, a two-week class that shares the mission of the local church, potential next steps, and begins connections with others. Joe’s main reason for signing up? “I need some people. This place is huge.” Joe and Shelee happened to be sitting at a table with Sheldon. Little did they know that Sheldon would play a significant role in Joe’s life. From conversation to friendship, Sheldon became the person to baptize Joe. And now, Joe serves as a table host, helping others find meaningful connections.

After Discover Canyon Ridge and being baptized, Joe and Shelee both jumped into serving faithfully. “We’re two-feet-in kind of people around here, so I jumped in volunteering for everything.” Canyon Ridge would not be the kind of place it is without the Raineys. Shelee describes, “it was easy for me to make a decision to serve at middle school because that’s where I met God.” Likewise, Joe jumped into serving on the Safety Team at Canyon Ridge weekend services.

Their most recent step has been launching their groups. Joe and Shelee partnered up with two other people and started a weekly men’s group and a women’s group, creating space for the kind of connection they were looking for at the start of their Canyon Ridge journey. “Group is like what I’m finding in everything else here. We’re walking deeply together.”

There’s a piece of them all over the campus and throughout the community, and a piece of Canyon Ridge in the Raineys and their unfolding story. They, along with many others at Canyon Ridge, can walk the campus and see physical markers of their transformation. The Rainey’s story and example are what Canyon Ridge looks to develop for every person stepping foot in Canyon Ridge. It started with Joe and Shelee saying, “I just knew that God was calling me, but I didn’t know what to do.” And now, step after step, they have found themselves two feet in, with more next steps to discover.

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