Jeff Mayhew's Story | Rock Bottom
Years ago, Jeffrey and Zach became disconnected in their relationship, experiencing in their own, separated ways the harsh reality of drug addiction and substance abuse, struggling with schizophrenia and anxiety, as well as homelessness and displacement. Eventually, they would find their ways back to one another on the road of recovery and forgiveness.
After a bumpy road of sobriety and relapse, Jeffrey stepped through the doors of Celebrate Recovery at Canyon Ridge on June 16, 2017. "I fell in love with Jesus. The message of forgiveness, grace, and mercy, and how highly he thinks of us...I felt bad about myself, because of what I did to myself, and he lifted me up...I have a great relationship with my son and I'm so thankful for that. That's a blessing more than you'll ever know."
Never missing a weekly gathering, Jeffrey began inviting his son. "Dad always invited me to CR, and I decided, you know what? I'll go, and I wanted to go because I just wanted to be a support for him and his recovery. I decided to go and it was incredible hearing testimonies of people who have totally changed their life because of what Jesus had done, and I wanted that. I have a relationship with Jesus now, and it's a day-by-day walk...I have so much hope."
This story of new life for father and son has been a journey surrounded by support, prayers, and love from others who have rallied together and stood by the Mayhews. God is so faithful!