What Is A Rule of Life?

Everyone becomes someone, whether arbitrarily or with intention. Whether it’s acknowledged or not, every person has habits, rhythms, and routines that grow each of us - for better or worse. God is always forming his people to become like him for the sake of the world. 

“The Lord - who is the Spirit - makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image” to “see and reflect the glory of the Lord” to the world. - 2 Corinthians 3:17-18

The word “rule” is derived from the Latin regula, which translates to “trellis,” the structure that helps grape vines grow in an upward direction to bear the greatest amount of fruit. Creating a Rule of Life helps followers of Jesus develop a trellis for fruitfulness in community.

To help you along in your journey, you will find ways to tend to all arenas of your life. Growth does not happen by simply doing more, but by reorienting your life to become more like Jesus by discovering, doing, and sharing life with him. As you begin to create your Rule of Life, reflect with God on who you are becoming in light of Him (ie. I will commit to 15 minutes a day of morning prayer because I am becoming an unhurried and loving person who lives every moment with God.)

It’s helpful to note that different people will need different practices and rhythms at different stages and seasons of life. This is not a one-size-fits-all kind of journey. As you practice, grow, and learn, you are encouraged to invite others along into the journey and to live life to the fullest in community.

Finally, one more thing. As followers of Jesus, we are invited to make disciples who make disciples. The way we pattern our lives and live with intention creates the kind of space needed to show up really well for those who are close to us but far from God. So, each week, you will notice a connection from the Rule of Life to your Relational Network. These are intended to grow our awareness of how practicing the things that follow will directly impact our relational networks. If you haven’t already, here’s a link to help you learn how to draw your Relational Map.

How To Create Your Rule Of Life

Here are 5 helpful steps to create and interact with your Rule of Life:

  1. Everyone has a Rule of Life (daily habits and rhythms), whether you acknowledge it or not. Reflect on the trajectory of who you are becoming with your current “Rule of Life.” Is this person living a full and abundant life with God and others?

  2. Spend some time working through each life category by listing out your current practices and reflecting on what you want to characterize your life in this next season.

  3. Read through each life arena and follow the prompts to begin mapping out your Rule of Life. Calendar a time to revisit (in the next 3 months). Remember, not every box needs to nor should be filled out. Begin realistically, not idealistically.

  4. Start living it out! Pay attention to what is happening in you. Watch for when things feel hopeful, tiresome, boring, or life-giving.

  5. Plan a weekly check-in with yourself and your community to adapt your Rule of Life. Remember: the Rule was made to help trellis your life, not tie you to it. That being said, give it time and patience. Each practice most likely needs 3 months at minimum to experience the full impact and notice any changes in your life.