Welcome In | November 20, 2022 | Introduction

How do you become a person who...looks back, looks around, and looks ahead at who God was, is, and will always be? By embodying what you have been taught, keeping at it, staying the course, and walking daily. Look at Jesus. The most compelling thing about Jesus is not only his remarkable teaching, but that his life was a testimony of his teaching. In other words, he taught with his life. When you spend time with Jesus and with the people who live the patterned life of Jesus, you begin to do the things he did with the support of others. And then, you become the person who models the life and way of Jesus to the people around you! Read 1 Timothy 4:6-16 in the Message version. What do you discover about Jesus and his way? What do you discover about people in general? This Scripture helps to understand what it means to become a people who stay the course. Examine your life. What intentional, regular rhythms do you have, whether in daily time with God and intentional time with his people, regular rhythms and spiritual habits? Keep at it. Remember, practice makes permanent. What daily step with the Spirit will you take in staying the course, becoming a person who trains, practices, and embodies the goodness and truth of God with your life?


  • Ephesians 2:17-20 NLT -17 He brought this Good News of peace to you Gentiles who were far away from him, and peace to the Jews who were near. 18 Now all of us can come to the Father through the same Holy Spirit because of what Christ has done for us. 19 So now you Gentiles are no longer strangers and foreigners. You are citizens along with all of God’s holy people. You are members of God’s family. 20 Together, we are his house, built on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets. And the cornerstone is Christ Jesus himself.

  • Romans 12:13 NLT -13 When God’s people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practice hospitality.

  • 1 Peter 4:9 NSRV -9 Be hospitable to one another without complaining.

  • Hebrews 13:2 NLT -2 Don’t forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it!


One of the best ways to hear what God is saying right now is to look at what He has said in the Bible with a few friends. Discovery Bible Study is an easy-to-use way to hear from God, make good changes in our lives, and share with others what God is up to. Grab some friends, pick a verse or story from above and dive in deeper to this week’s message.


+ Reconnect

To begin the study, each person answers these questions:

  • What are you thankful for?
  • What is causing stress for our neighbors and people around us?
  • What can we as individuals or as a group do to help?

+ Recap

  • Have someone retell the story from your previous meeting.
  • Did you live out your response from last week?
  • Did you tell anyone else about the story from last week?

Discovering What God Is Saying

+ Read and Retell the Bible Story

  • One person reads the story out loud to the group.
  • Someone else in the group retells the story in their own words as they remember it, and others fill in what’s missing.

+ Read and Look

  • Read the passage again (different version if possible)
  • What does this passage say about God, Jesus, or His plan?

+ Read and Look Again

  • Have 1-2 more people retell the story as if they were telling a neighbor outside their home.
  • What does this passage say about people in general?

Doing What God Is Saying

+ Consider

  • What in me needs to change to better DO what God is showing me today?
  • How will you respond to/obey this passage in a tangible, perhaps even costly ways in the next 47 hours?
  • Have someone record these for prayer time, and for the beginning of the next meeting.

Sharing what God is saying

+ Praying Together

  • Take prayer requests
  • Pray together

+ Share

  • Who in your life needs to hear this story?
  • Who could you invite to study the Bible like this?


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