
Pick up FriendsGiving Bags
until Nov. 12!

Rally your people to bring life to people around you by picking up a “FriendsGiving Bag” and filling it up with food to help someone you know have an incredible Thanksgiving meal!

Bag Pick-Up Times:
Monday through Thursday: 9a-4p in the Church Main Office
Saturdays & Sundays: Before and after services


Bring Life Together!


Bring life this Thanksgiving!

Step 1 - Rally Your People

There is something special that happens when you help the people around you with the people around you! Gather with your friends, family, co-workers, or neighbors to fill a “FriendsGiving Bag.”

Looking for people to rally? Watch this video for a great tool.

Step 2 - Find Somebody you can help

Look for somebody needing help this Thanksgiving. Maybe it’s someone from your group, work, or even an acquaintance you see somewhere you go every day. Start some conversations, and listen carefully for where God might be leading you. If you don’t know a neighbor or friend in need of a FriendsGiving Bag, Casa de Luz is accepting donations through November 15th.

Step 3 - Fill and Deliver the Bags!

Using the suggested shopping list, assemble the FriendsGiving Bag. Rally your family, friends, life group, or neighbors, and have a bag-packing party! Then, all that’s left is to deliver the bags to those who need them.


Need A Place To Drop Off Your Bag?


Casa De Luz

If you don’t know a neighbor or friend in need, Casa de Luz will be accepting Friends. Giving Bags until November 15. This incredible organization has helped countless families in Las Vegas by providing the resources they need to transform their lives physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Monday - Friday
9:30a - 5:30p
2416 Tam Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89102

Drop-off will be at the Casa de Luz Youth Center (adjacent to Casa De Luz)


Who is going with you?

Find your partners in bringing life with this great tool that will help you discover the people around you who you can partner with to help bring life to those around you.
