Daily Questions Practice



Have you ever felt stuck in a rut, going through daily life without any real purpose or direction? Do you ever wish you could make real progress toward becoming the person you want to be but can't seem to get there?

If so, you're not alone. Everyone wants to experience growth - growth in career, growth in overall health, growth in relationships. Often, growth doesn’t just happen; it requires discipline, commitment, and intentional consistency over time. You have to change something if you want to change anything.

Here is a simple, shareable tool to help you and the people around you to cultivate and expand a growth mindset. Remember, practice makes permanent.


Daily Questions Practice



Daily Questions are a series of intentional, frequent, and potent questions that will help you cultivate a growth mindset. These daily questions are designed to help you identify your growth edges or the areas of your life where you have the most potential for growth and development. By tracking your answers to these questions over time, you can gain valuable insights into your progress and see where you need to focus your efforts to achieve your goals.


  1. Find a partner willing to commit to practicing Daily Questions with you. This can be a friend, family member, or even a co-worker.

  2. Agree to message or call each other at the same time every day for five minutes to ask each other your Daily Questions and record your answers in a shared document or app.

  3. Consistently support your partner and pray for them throughout the week

  4. Do a weekly debrief to help each other identify patterns for breakthroughs or breakdowns.


The questions themselves can be binary, meaning they have a yes or no answer, or they can be spectrum questions that allow for a range of answers. Some examples of Daily Questions might include:

  • Did I spend 30 minutes with Jesus today? (binary)

  • On a scale of 1-5, how vibrant and life-giving was my time with Jesus today? (spectrum)

  • Did I speak kindly to myself and others today? (binary)

  • On a scale of 1-10, how present was I in my interactions with others today? (spectrum)

The important thing is that you choose questions that are meaningful to you and reflect your core values and growth edges.


When practicing Daily Questions, there are a few key principles to remember. First, it's important to approach the process with openness and honesty. Don't apologize, rationalize, or minimize your responses to your partner, and don't judge them if they struggle with certain questions. Remember, this is a tool for growth and development, not a competition or a way to measure your worth.

Second, it's important to be consistent and committed to the process. Set a specific time each day to ask your questions and record your answers, and stick to it as much as possible. If you miss a day or two, don't beat yourself up, but try to identify why and recommit to consistency.


Finally, debrief regularly with your partner to discuss your responses and identify patterns or trends. This can help you see where you're making progress and where you need to focus your efforts in the future.

  • What patterns or trends do you see in your responses over time?

  • Where do you see the most progress? 

  • If you always answer “yes” to a binary question or rate yourself a five on a spectrum question, challenge yourself by dialing up the question! If you find it too challenging, find a simpler question. 

Daily Questions can be a powerful tool for personal growth and development. By asking intentional and frequent questions and tracking your answers over time, you can gain valuable insights into your progress and identify your growth edges. So why not give it a try? Find a partner, choose your questions, and practice Daily Questions today. Who knows where it might take you?


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