Celebrate Christmas Together!
This Christmas Eve, bring the whole family and invite a friend to celebrate the birth of Jesus together at Canyon Ridge! This is the perfect time to join in on what God is up to here in Las Vegas. With five service times to attend in person or watch online, there are many great opportunities for you to be part of it!
December 24 @ 1, 3, 5, 7, & 11:30p

When somebody genuinely invites you to something, it means they have taken the time and put in the effort to make space for you. That's what the story of Christmas is all about! Jesus came to Earth to make a genuine space for you and invite everyone to experience life to the fullest.
This Christmas Eve, gather the people in your life to celebrate this invitation at Canyon Ridge with an evening of beautiful music by candlelight and an encouraging message!
Create Memories That Last A Lifetime!
Bring the whole family and celebrate Christmas at Canyon Ridge by planning a visit to make your visit even better!
Inviting your people shows that you care and put effort to make space for them! Gather the people around your life to celebrate Christmas at Canyon Ridge!
Christmas at Canyon Ridge is the great time to create lifelong memories with your family! Take a family photo, grab some hot chocolate, and enjoy a candlelight service!

What to expect
From the moment you arrive at Canyon Ridge for Christmas Eve services, you’ll be greeted by a team of people joining Jesus in making space for you! There is a team of volunteers who will help you find where to park, guide you to the main auditorium, and even help you check in your kids. Plan a visit below or stop by the InfoCenter to make your visit even better!
+ What should I wear?
Come as you are! This is a relaxed place where you'll see jeans, shorts, dresses, business casual attire, and even pajamas at Canyon Ridge Christmas services. So, wear something comfortable and come on in!
+ What is happening for kids?
Canyon Ridge Kids is always investing in the next generation of storytellers. There will be a special experience for kids from 6 months old to 5th Grade to celebrate the birth of Jesus during each service except for the 11:30p service.
+ Can I watch online?
Yes! You can watch each Canyon Ridge Christmas Services on online.canyonridge.org and catch a special rebroadcast on Christmas morning.
+ Is registration required?
Registration is not required for services. If this is one of your first times, plan your visit and let the team know you'll be here, and they'll make sure you have a great experience!
What is Christmas?

Let's face it. The holidays can be tough! Spending extra money on gifts (especially when extra money is harder and harder to find) for people who are sometimes a headache can bring out "The Grinch" in anyone. Getting caught up in the hustle and bustle of everything Christmas brings is easy. Just like the Grinch, it's easy sometimes to wonder if Christmas has a deeper meaning–it has to mean so much more.
And the good news is, the Bible says it does!
The Bible tells the story of God's great love. God took the time to send his Son to Earth to make space for you and everybody else because of this unimaginable love. Unfortunately, people chose to turn away from God, and darkness crept into the soul of every human. This darkness is passed from parent to child like an inherited gene. You can see the evidence of this darkness on the news every single night.
Instead of giving up on people, God delivered good news!
The good news is that God has a plan. He sacrificed his own Son for the world as a beacon of hope. Jesus is God's Son, sent into the world to pave the way for everyone on Earth to experience new life. Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus and the invitation to a new life that he brings.
This is the story of Christmas — the birth of Jesus Christ.
Download the Christmas Activity Kit!
Why wait until Christmas Day to celebrate the season? Download the Christmas Activity Kit for hours of Christmas fun for the whole family!