Why Pray Before Reading the Bible?

This is a five-part series on How To Read Your Bible. These steps include Prayer, Translation, Genre, Context, and Costly Obedience. The hope is that whether you’ve been reading the Bible for many years now or don’t know where to start, this will be a helpful resource for you and the people around you to explore and dive deeper into God’s Word!


A conversation involves dialogue (prayer) and discernment (Bible). Prayer is a way of communicating with God, and the Bible is God’s living Word to people. Reading God’s Word is a powerful way to learn and hear God’s Voice! Praying before reading Scripture, as well as having a prayerful posture throughout your interaction with the Bible helps you to slow down to be present to what God has to say.


Here are 3 reasons why God invites you into prayer before reading his Word:

  1. The Bible can be difficult to understand. This is because God is God and humans are human. While people are limited in their understanding, God wants to come alongside you to help you discern, receive, and know him more. Pray that God would help you know his voice and hear from him.

  2. Everyone is different! This means that the way you grew up, the way your worldview was shaped or is being shaped, the way you relate to God are all factors to acknowledge how you approach the Bible. Pray that God would expand your knowledge of him!

  3. God sent his Spirit to help you! 2 Timothy 3:16-17 says that the Spirit of God inspired the Bible and Romans 8:14 says that followers of Jesus have this same Spirit living with them! This means that prayer is a beautiful, relational way to engage with the Author of the Bible as you read with him. Pray that the Holy Spirit would help you listen well, attentively, and curiously as you discover his Word!


So, how do you get started? Try this:

  • Before you read, pray:

    • “God, thank you for speaking with me. Would your living Word bring light to what you want me to hear, understand, and receive today.”

  • As you read, pray through what you are reading:

    • “God, thank you for speaking with me. As I read, help me to be attentive and curious to what you are speaking. What do you want me to focus on? Help me enjoy discovering your Word.”

    • Alternatively, let Scripture shape your prayers! Here’s a simple, yet powerful prayer practice called Praying Through Scripture.

  • As you end your time reading, pray:

    • “God, thank you for speaking with me. Keep me in your Word wherever I go and with whomever I encounter. Let your Voice shape who I am.”

These prayers are just to help you get started. Make them your own! Let your friendship with God and your experience reading his Word inspire your conversation with him.

DISCUSS or reflect

  1. What stood out as you prayed during your time reading the Bible?

  2. How is prayer changing the way you read the Bible?

  3. Who will you share this with?


A great book to continue exploring and practicing a prayerful posture is The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence.

Start HereEliana Park