Three Ways You Can Help The Turkey-Syria Earthquake Relief Efforts

On February 6th, an earthquake measuring 7.8 on the Richter scale struck a region of Turkey and Syria known as Kahramanmaras. This disaster has claimed over 40,000 lives; thousands more are injured, homeless, and hurting. Because of your generosity, Canyon Ridge donated relief funds to three partner ministries, Team Expansions, Frontiers, and Pioneers, to help with the world’s deadliest earthquake disaster in over a decade.

During disasters like this, the first and best response of followers of Jesus is to pray! Ask God to give miraculous insight to search and recovery teams. Ask Him to be near those grieving the loss of loved ones and for families to be reunited. Ask God to give Christian relief workers opportunities to share the good news of Jesus as they care for the physical needs of those impacted by this disaster. The next step is to get involved!

Here are three partners you can support to help provide earthquake relief:

Team Expansion

Team Expansion works to multiply disciples and churches among the unreached and to see Christ known and glorified in every corner of the world. Many people impacted by this disaster live in the streets without shelter. Not only are they without a roof over their head and food to survive, but they are hopeless without a Savior. Team Expansion has missionaries on the ground ready to provide physical survival and everlasting survival – Jesus. Your gifts will provide food and emergency supplies to children and families impacted by this devastation and hope through the Gospel! 


Frontiers works to inspire transformational movements to Christ within the least-reached Muslim people. Tens of thousands of Turks and Syrians are homeless, facing an uncertain future, and all urgently need prayer and humanitarian care. In addition to prayer, those living in the path of destruction left by this earthquake have many practical needs, including food, aid supplies, medical care, and local-language Bibles and media resources. They are working with teams, churches, and experienced partners to determine the best and fastest ways to respond to this crisis and be the hands and feet of Jesus in the wake of devastation.


For over 40 years, Pioneers has worked with integrity to take the Gospel to unreached people. Over 87 Million Turks & Syrians still have not heard the Good News of Jesus Christ. Pioneers has a standing emergency fund to respond to disasters like this earthquake and partnerships that position them to serve the hurting Syrian and Turkish earthquake victims. Your partnership will help Pioneers use this tragedy to share the Gospel and discipleship to see church-planting movements grow worldwide.