Seeing Through His Eyes: A Transformative Journey Through the Book of John

The book of John gives you an intimate look into the life of Jesus through the eyes of his closest companion, John himself.

In this ancient text, we’re not just reading about hearsay or second-hand accounts. No, John walked, talked, and shared meals with Jesus. He intimately knew the man who changed the course of history. The words, "come and see" echo throughout John's gospel — a persistent call from Jesus and those who encountered him, to witness his essence, to understand his nature.

Seeing Through His Eyes: A Transformative Journey Through the Book of John

The beauty of beholding Jesus isn't merely to know about him but to truly know him. It's in the knowing that your vision begins to shift. You start seeing the world and others through the lens of Jesus's love and wisdom.

But honestly — how often do you truly see things the way Jesus does? How often do your preconceived notions, biases, and cultural narratives cloud your understanding of God and others?

In John chapter 4, we read a story about Jesus that gives us a picture of his radical love. This encounter with a Samaritan woman at a well challenges all assumptions about who God is and who He loves. It's a collision of cultural barriers and personal biases, where Jesus breaks through with radical love and acceptance.

This story confronts us with the question: Do our stories about God align with who Jesus reveals himself to be? Think about it. How often do you impose your own narratives onto God? How often do you limit his love and grace based on your flawed understanding?

Jesus didn’t come to affirm your misconceptions. He came to shatter them. Yet, even today, it’s a struggle to let go of distorted views of God, clinging to narratives of judgment, exclusion, and self-righteousness. Lines get drawn, boundaries set, and those who don’t fit the mold are excluded.

But Jesus challenges you to see differently. He invites you to let go of your preconceptions and embrace the truth about God's unconditional love and acceptance. It's not about having it all figured out. It's about being willing to learn, to grow, and to see anew.

So, what's your story? Is it aligned with the truth of who God is? Are you ready to let Jesus change your view of God?

As you journey through the Book of John, keep your heart open, your mind receptive, and your eyes fixed on Jesus. Allow his truth to reshape your understanding and transform your life. Because ultimately, it's not about knowing about Jesus—it's about truly knowing Him and seeing the world through his eyes. And that's an invitation worth accepting.