How To Tell Your Story | <+>

Everyone has a story, which means you have a story. Stories are how people find meaning, pass down legacies and learnings, preserve history, discover and explore new perspectives, and connect profoundly. Stories are how followers of Jesus remain in God's presence by remembering who he is and reflecting him through their lives.

This journey with Jesus is marked by transformation. Think about it. Are you the same person now than before getting to know Jesus? Would you be the same person now if you didn't have his Spirit working in and through you? The Holy Spirit is continuously at work in your life to transform you daily to reflect Jesus. And it's good to share this kind of transformation - what God is up to in you - with the people around you! Everyone is a work in progress, and any step alongside this beautiful, unfolding process is worth sharing! It's a part of your story.

Now, you may be thinking that you need an epic story for it to be worthy of sharing. But isn't Jesus the fulfilled story of the best news ever written and told? The reality is that transformation is different for everyone - that's the beauty of your story! How you tangibly experience God's good news in your life is worth sharing! Everyone wants good news, and everyone needs this good news.

So, how would you go about sharing your story? Here's how you can write your 15-second transformation story, also signified like this:


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Begin by thinking of two words or phrases that mark who you were at a time in your life before meeting Jesus. Maybe you've known him all your life, but God is always transforming us! What's a time in your life when God invited you to more?

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Then, think of two words or phrases that mark who you're becoming as you walk with Jesus today.

Then comes the most important part. End your 15-second story with, "Do you have a story like that?" That simple question makes intentional, safe space for the people around you to consider who Jesus is to them - a stranger to an old friend.

Found your words? Now, piece them together. Friends Marcello, Leo, and Bella shared their 15-second transformation stories. Here's their conversation:

Marcello: Before I really knew Jesus, I was an angry person and I felt lost. But, after Jesus started his transformation in me, I am becoming more patient, and I have found my purpose. So, Leo, do you have a story like that?

Leo: Before Jesus, I felt abandoned and broken. But, with Jesus, he started restoring those broken pieces in my life, and he's fulfilling me. Bella, do you have a story like that?

Bella: Before I started walking with Jesus, I felt lonely, and I felt sad. But now, I understand who he is. I feel happy, and I'm not alone anymore. Do you have a story like that?

When you hear their 15-second stories, don't you want to know more? The point of asking the question to someone else is to stir curiosity and expand the space of authentic, intentional encounter. So, think of your story (and you can have multiple 15-second transformation stories), and be alert to the people you can share stories with! You never know what God may do with the power of your story.

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