How To Share The Gospel With Someone In Your Life

Maybe someone you know has just finished telling you about a challenge they’re facing. There are times when life is hard, confusing, and ugly, and you can’t help but ask yourself, “Is this all there really is?” This could spark a conversation about the Good News of Jesus. Here’s a conversational way to share the Gospel with someone in your life using a tool called the 3 Circles Gospel:

  1. Begin With Brokenness: We live in a broken world. What do you see or experience that’s broken around you? If we’re really honest, it’s not just outside of us that’s broken - there’s something in us that’s broken too. No matter how hard we try to save ourselves from a broken world, whether that’s getting an amazing job with a lot of wealth and a lot of influence, or being a perfectionist, or trying to fix the people and problems we face around us, we can’t. Nothing we do with our own effort lasts before we’re confronted with that same brokenness again. Do you resonate?

  2. Go Back To God’s Design: But good news! God didn’t design this broken world. In fact, he designed and created a world of perfect harmony - with God, with others, with the earth. God wants you to experience the kind of harmony that is found with him! So, what happened? How did we get from God’s perfect design to our broken reality? Sin. Simply put, sin is anything that causes harm to us or the people around us, going against God’s best for us. But, more good news. That’s not where the story ends.

  3. Witness Jesus’ Life: God sent his Son, Jesus, to earth to bring healing to everyone. He taught us how to live, modeling what it means to live with God’s reality of love for him, for others, and for creation. He went to the cross, dying a death we deserved, so we could have life with him. God knew we couldn’t save ourselves, so he sent Jesus to do what only he could do. His invitation to everyone is to change direction, to turn and follow him. When this happens, we grow more and more in the direction of God’s original design. But, now what? Jesus sends his people out back into the broken world to take this Good News so that more and more people can come alive in him.

How To Share The Gospel With Someone In Your Life

Here are three helpful things to remember about the 3 Circles Gospel:

  1. It’s important to know that we often start with brokenness, not because it’s the start of our story (remember, the story of God and his people begins with his perfect design), but because it’s often what people can relate to. Everyone has an encounter with brokenness, and because of that, everyone is invited to encounter a Healer.

  2. These three circles are an ongoing cycle. We don’t end or fully arrive somewhere on the 3 Circles because Jesus commissioned those who love and know him to help others know and love him! While people may have a point in their life when they made Jesus King, it is a daily walk with Jesus with daily opportunity to turn and follow him, to grow alongside others in his direction and design, and to go back into the broken world to help others encounter Jesus.

  3. As you make space to have open, spiritual, and meaningful conversations, here are a few helpful follow-up questions to explore with the people in your life when you finish sharing the 3 Circles Gospel:

    • Which part of this story do you find yourself in right now?

    • When you imagine your future, which part of this story do you want to be true in your life?

    • What about this is confusing to you and is sparking greater curiosity in you?

    • Who can you share this with?

The 3 Circles Gospel is a simple, yet repeatable way to share the Gospel with the people in your life. Whether it’s having a conversation over dinner and drawing it on a napkin, spending a few minutes to respond to a friend’s brokenness with curiosity, or reflect on your own journey with God, the Gospel is Good News for everyone, everywhere, in any and every circumstance! Who in your life needs to hear this life-changing hope?