How To Help Your Kids Understand Baptism

Sometimes, steps towards Jesus, like baptism, feel hard to explain to kids, but what if we talked to kids about baptism in a way they can understand? Baptism is an outward expression of an inward relationship. Baptism is a step you take when you personally decide to tell others about your relationship with God. It's important that people, even kids, have a relationship with Jesus as well as an understanding of who he is when they decide to get baptized. Here are three questions to ask your kids to start a great conversation around baptism:

 1. What does it mean to believe in Jesus? 

Share the Gospel story! God wants to have a relationship with you! A relationship with Jesus first begins with an understanding of who he is. God is holy, which means that he is unique, perfect, and pure. Sin separated people from God. God sent his Son Jesus to earth and lived without sin. Some people didn't like that Jesus was perfect, so they hung him on a cross and he died for your sin! But, that wasn't the end of the story. God rose Jesus from the dead three days later! Now, each person is invited to live forever with God in heaven because Jesus paid the cost for the world’s sins when he died on the cross and connected each person to Jesus forever.


2. Why do people get baptized? 

In the Bible, Jesus sets the example of getting baptized, and Christians want to live like Jesus! Getting baptized is a symbol of a relationship with Jesus. A wedding ring is a symbol to tell the world that you are married; baptism is a symbol to tell those around you (and the world) that you follow Jesus! You can get baptized at your local church, in your pool in your backyard, in the ocean, wherever you want! There is nothing special about the water in a baptismal. The important part about getting baptized is that you acknowledge that you want to live as Jesus did, you are ready to tell others that you are going to follow him and that your people are there to celebrate with you! Now’s a great time to check in with your kid. What questions are arising?


3. Are you ready to get baptized?

Now that you have talked about what it means to believe in Jesus and why people get baptized, you can ask if they are ready! Don't worry, there is time! Baptism is a big step that your kids can make for themselves, in the community of your family and loved ones. It is a step on their faith journey. Remember, as a parent, you get to support, encourage, and equip them all along the way!


Bonus question: Who do you want to baptize you?

Matthew 28:18-20, says "Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Because of the Holy Spirit, once you are baptized Jesus sends you out to teach others about what it means to follow him, baptizing them just like you were! This is about living out and obeying Matthew 28 by being disciples who make disciples!


Baptism is a personal decision. Talking about big decisions with kids can seem daunting! As a parent, you get to walk alongside your kid as they discover what it means to walk with Jesus! Prayerfully start with a conversation about baptism and see where the conversation takes you!

FamilyEliana Park