How To Draw Your Relational Map | Find Your People, Find Your Partners

Have you ever heard the quote that you are the average of the people you spend most of your time with? The Bible is full of stories of people living, giving, and going together to bring life to the people around them. Whenever Jesus sent people out, he would send them together. So, who are the people walking with you as you become the person Jesus created you to be? This is a great tool to help you discover the people around you who are far from God and the people you can partner with to help bring life those around you.

In Philippians, Paul writes a letter showing how important having people who will go with you can be. Take a look here! 

It’s so important to surround yourself with good people who will help you reach the people around you. Here are a couple of questions to ask as you look at the friendships across your life: 

  1. Who are you going with? 

    Who are the people you do life with? These people should have first and last names and lots of stories that come with them. Have you told them you are thankful for them? Text them right now! Tell them you are grateful for them and how they show up for you. 

  2. Who are you going to? 

    Who are you and your people going to reach together? Who are the people close to you, but far from God? Who has God put in your path so that you can share His love with them?

Paul and his friends knew that saying yes to Jesus was saying yes to one another. They were experiencing HIM, partnering with Him to call the world alive in Him. It was a commitment to GO together, and as natural as possible, that implied giving together.

If you have said yes to Jesus, who are you going with?