How Daily Habits Affect Your Walk with Jesus

Every action in your daily life can be an act of worship, acknowledging how great God is. Worship, in its most basic form, is declaring, "God, you're the best." How do your daily habits reflect this declaration? How do the ways you eat, rest, and engage in activities honor God and enhance your walk with Jesus?

Activity and Movement

Physical activity is a significant aspect of honoring God with your body. Whether it's a daily walk, an exercise routine, or simply enjoying free play, your movement should reflect gratitude for the body God has given you. It's not about comparing yourself to others but about asking, "God, how am I honoring you in my activity?"

Rest and Restoration

Rest is often neglected in a world that glorifies busyness. Yet, God calls you to rest and restore your body. Adequate sleep, recreation, and moments of zoning out are essential for your well-being. Prioritizing rest acknowledges that you trust God to sustain you.

Health and Self-Care

Caring for your health is another way to honor God. Regular check-ups, dental visits, and mindful self-care practices are crucial. Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, and maintaining it well is a form of worship. Honoring God with your health means not succumbing to fears or societal pressures.

Eating and Drinking

The way you eat and drink can also be an act of worship. Whether feasting with friends or fasting to refocus on God, your approach to food should reflect gratitude and mindfulness. Celebrating God's provision and remembering that your body is His creation is essential.

Intimacy and Relationships

Intimacy and relationships should honor God. From the hugs you give your children to the handshakes you offer others, your physical interactions should reflect God's love. The Bible provides guidance on your sexual ethics, reminding you to seek God's standards rather than cultural norms.

1 Corinthians 6:12-20 offers profound insights into how you should honor God with your body. Paul reminds us that while "everything is permissible," not everything is beneficial, and we should not be mastered by anything (1 Corinthians 6:12). He emphasizes that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit and that you were bought at a price, urging you to honor God with your body (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

Your daily habits significantly impact your walk with Jesus. Examining your activities, rest, health, eating, and intimacy ensures that every aspect of your life honors God. Remember, your body matters to God, and your daily habits should reflect your commitment to Him.