Building Joy: A Conversation On Joy, Breakthrough, and Resolution

Whenever the new year comes around, it’s easy to dive into setting lofty goals and year-long resolutions that last, realistically, a few weeks. That’s the idea behind a new week’s resolution - making fresh space to look for hope, practice joy, and encounter God. Rather than setting goals to accomplish and boxes to check off, what kinds of spiritual practices and disciplines can you explore when it comes to the person you want to become?

One of those practices is called Joy-Building. The idea is to harness the power of memory - looking back on your year, or larger, your life, for moments of joy. In this practice, moments of joy are moments when you were glad to be together with God and his people! Drew and Matt have a conversation debriefing this practice:

In Drew and Matt’s conversation, here are 3 learnings:

  1. Look Back: In joy-building, Matt found both good and challenge in looking back at his year. “I think especially looking back, how this past year is part of my story, is important. I had a little bit of hardship, but I had a lot of breakthroughs [as well]…[and found] the joy of knowing that God was with me.” Ultimately, that is what joy is - knowing that God is glad to be with you in every circumstance. Here is a rich practice called the Great Annual Examen that can help you look back at your year!

  2. Set Rhythms: For Matt, setting the habit of joy-building every morning during his already established morning routine was most helpful in keeping his daily commitment. Whether you’re a morning person or an evening person, integrating something new with what you’re already doing is the best way to be consistent!

  3. Make It Relational: When it comes to practicing something new, it can seem easier to do it on your own. However, inviting your people along the journey can spread the good you’re finding, keep one another accountable through encouragement and shared experience, as well as actually building joy not only in you but among you and your people! “Mostly, it’s just been when I interact with the people that brought me joy…that I’ve been able to really explore that joy,” reflects Matt.

Whether you’re trying something new for the first time or picking it up again, remember it’s about seeking new space with God, rather than striving, striving, striving. There is so much good to be found when you do!

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