Anxiety and Staying With God

Have you ever found yourself so consumed by anxiety that you forget to simply be with God? In Luke 10:38-42, the story of Martha and Mary offers a profound lesson on this very struggle. Martha, busy with preparations, is distracted and anxious, while Mary chooses to sit at Jesus' feet, fully present and attentive. This story invites you to reflect on your own life and consider how anxiety might be pulling you away from abiding deeply with God.

Martha's anxiety is relatable. You might find yourself caught up in the busyness of life, thinking that your tasks and accomplishments are the best ways to show your devotion to Jesus. However, Jesus gently reminds Martha—and you—that what He truly desires is your presence, not your perfection. He wants you to be with Him, to focus on Him, and to receive from Him.

Mary, on the other hand, chooses the better part. Despite cultural expectations, she sits at Jesus' feet, prioritizing her relationship with Him over the many tasks she could be doing. This choice is celebrated by Jesus, who says that what Mary has received will never be taken from her. This is a powerful reminder that the time you spend with Jesus, abiding in His presence, is invaluable and eternal.

Here are some key takeaways to help you stay with God amidst anxiety:

1. Get Present

To abide in Jesus, you must be fully present. This means setting aside distractions and focusing on Him. Consider practicing five minutes of intentional silence each day to center your mind and heart on God.

2. Stay Present

Consistency is crucial. It's one thing to spend a few moments with Jesus, but He desires a lifelong relationship with you. Commit to staying with Him, even when life gets busy or challenging.

3. Identify Distractions

Recognize what pulls you away from abiding with God. Is it anxiety, self-sufficiency, or even good things like work? Naming these distractions can help you address them and refocus on Jesus.

4. Make Yourself at Home in His Love

Jesus invites you to make yourself at home in His love (John 15). This means creating a space in your life where you can dwell with Him, unhurried and intentional.

5. Look Back, Look Around, Look Ahead

Reflect on where God has been in your life, where He is now, and where He might be leading you. This perspective can help you stay grounded in His presence and trust in His faithfulness.

In a world that constantly demands your attention, choosing to abide with Jesus is a radical act of faith. By getting present, staying present, identifying distractions, making yourself at home in His love, and maintaining a reflective perspective, you can navigate anxiety and remain deeply connected to God. Remember, Jesus doesn't need your accomplishments; He just wants you.