5 Reasons Why Discovery Is Powerful

To discover is to find (something or someone) unexpectedly or in the course of a search. Are you a person of discovery, curious about life? If you think about it, you probably discover things all the time. Maybe you found a new place to eat, a new way you relate or connect with people, what you value in friendships as you grow. The same thing is true in life with Jesus. What makes discovery so central for followers of Jesus?

1.When you walk with God, there is always something to discover.

You can wake up every morning counting on the fact that God invites you to be curious and discover more of who he is. How? God is infinite, eternal, endless, and yet still wants to be known. It's never a matter of "if" there's something to discover; it's more a matter of if you're willing to believe that there is and live like it. Don't limit where you encounter God - learn to look for God in and around your life!

2. A posture of curiosity and discovery challenges assumptions.

Everyone makes assumptions, even if you don't mean to. You assume you know this or that. You assume you have this or that figured out. You assume you know everything about the person next to you based on the categories you place them in. And, maybe you assume you know everything there is to know about who God is. In what ways might showing up with curiosity rather than assumption make more room for relationships to deepen with God and others? 

3.Great questions fuel discovery.

Think about a fire when it's just about to go out. When you blow on the embers, what happens? It restarts a flame. That's what great questions do in conversation. Making statements or talking at someone is like putting a bowl on fire, whereas questions breathe energy. When you're tempted to talk at someone or to rush to a conclusion, maybe one more question could be just the thing needed to draw someone out a little more to discover something new.

"Tell me more about that..."

"What's important about that to you..."

4.Discovery is more powerful with others.

Helping others discover along the way and then watching them enjoy it is a sweet way to deepen relationships. Part of discovery is taking that next step from learning - where knowledge finds its way into experience that could potentially lead to a new story, a new perspective, a new relationship, a new way of living. Who is one person who would appreciate you showing up more curious with great questions? Who is a difficult person your relationship could be helped by greater curiosity?

5.Discover with God!

In the morning, cultivate a posture of expectant curiosity! "God, what would you like to show me and teach me today?" Then, take a daily inventory in the evening, expressing gratitude to God for the experiences you shared with him throughout the day.

Where can and will you show up with a posture of greater curiosity and discovery with God and with others this week? There is so much good with God to be found along the way!

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