4 Steps To A Holy Life

The culture of this world tries to cram people into conformity. It takes no effort to conform to the world and it will happen naturally if you're not actively seeking after something else. In 1 Peter 1:13-16, Peter teaches that placing your hope in Jesus changes your behavior.

To be holy (to be set apart) is to love conformity to God's commands and to his Son.

Here are four steps to follow towards holiness:

  1. Prepare your minds for action - Are you prepared to resist the ways of culture and choose God instead? Choose today to look at God instead of giving in to the ways of the world.

  2. Exercise self-control - Do habits or temptations draw you back into the worldly, sinful culture? God will help you make wise decisions with self-control.

  3. Put all your hope in Jesus - Have worldly hopes let you down? Only Jesus can deliver on his promise of everlasting life to the fullest.

  4. Live obediently - Which ways of holiness are the most difficult for you to obey? Choose obedience to God, trusting that his way is best.

Dive Deeper:

Living in holiness is not meant to make life easier, but in the long run, it will fill you with the deeper joy of knowing Christ. Listen to the message for more.

Living Your FaithKASEY SMITH