3 Ways To Identify Your Friendships

When does an acquaintance become a friend? How you identify your friendships says a lot about your commitments to and expectations of people. The same is true in your friendship with Jesus! When did Jesus go from being a stranger to an acquaintance to being your friend, and how has your life changed because of it?


Identifying someone as a friend communicates a powerful affirmation and commitment. Jesus did this many times in many ways. In John 8:31-37, Jesus says, "'You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.'"


Jesus names the relationship with a shared identity - disciples. He defines the relationship with a shared intention - remain faithful to my teachings. He celebrates the relationship with a shared experience - and the truth will set you free!


"You are my friends if you do what I command John 15:14 NLT." Jesus is saying that discipleship is friendship! Becoming like Jesus in discipleship comes from being with Jesus in friendship. This kind of friendship becomes better in shared identity, shared intention, and shared experience.


  • Shared identity is when individuals become an "us" in friendship!

  • Shared intention is when friends actively commit to honor and fully live into the relationship together!

  • Shared experience happens in reflecting what was, celebrating what is, and imagining what else could come from friendships that are getting better!


This week, try identifying your friendships in these 3 ways!


1. Name the friendship

This week, take some time to identify your friendship with God, then affirm your friendship with Him and others!

2. Define the friendship

Invite a friend to reflect on the current season of your friendship and imagine a new season together!

3. Celebrate the friendship

Share your 15-second transformation story (of who you were before Jesus, and who Jesus is helping you to become)!


Jesus wants to walk you into a relationship that resembles a deep friendship with Him! How much more will your friendship with Jesus change and grow your friendships with others?

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