3 Ways To Celebrate Daily

How you look back matters, and there's a way in which you can always look back with celebration. Philippians 4:4 says, "Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again - rejoice!" You have a choice every day to either look back with shame and regret, or with God, to look back and see him glad to be together every step along the way!

Why does it matter how you look back? When you look back in shame, that causes distance. But looking back with gratitude helps people stay connected. This is true of your relationship with God!

Hard times will always be around the corner, so it takes daily practice to cultivate joy and stir up goodness! What is celebrated is repeated. Here are three ways to practice celebrating daily:

  1. His Word: Know and enjoy knowing God by reading his Word daily. Who is God? Nehemiah says, "But you are a God of forgiveness, gracious and merciful, slow to become angry, and rich in unfailing love." The truth in Scripture help gives words to find God as you experience the reality of him in your life!

  2. 15-Second Stories: Call to mind recent stories of God's goodness and shape them into short 15-second stories to easily recall and retell!

  3. Reflect: Download the Lectio365 app to help with daily rhythms of reflection and prayer. Regularly reflecting helps to intentionally cultivate celebration and gratitude! Example prompt: Reflecting on the day that has passed, Lord, show me where you were at work in my life. In what ways did I experience your goodness? When did I hear you speak?

When God is in the mix, good is found everywhere! Looking back with God and for God will bring peace, strength, and joy to your relationships with him and his people. 

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