3 Simple Ways To Practice Rest
3 Simple Ways To Practice Rest | By Michele Warner
Rest. Why does this simple, 4-letter word pose such a challenge to many of us? To rest is to cease from labor, producing, and striving. However, we often strive for busyness and full schedules. We over commit and stretch ourselves thin. But the truth is- we’re actually invited into something more, something so much better.
3 Simple Ways To Practice Rest
Jesus himself invites us to come to him when we are weary, to hand over our burdens, and receive rest in him. This invitation matters! Even God rested from all his work, as read in Genesis 2. So why not accept this invitation and rest deeply in him?
Before saying yes to the next to-do, ask yourself, “Do I have the ability to handle this and my current responsibilities?” Think physically, financially, spiritually, emotionally, and relationally before you say “yes” and add to your to-do list. Saying “yes” here means saying “no” to Jesus’s invitation to rest.
Here are 3 simple ways to practice rest and make space to encounter Jesus and his way:
Sticky-Note: At the start of each day, write your “big 3” on a sticky note. The idea here is to keep the main thing the main thing. If it doesn’t fit on the sticky-note, it’s too much for that day. Give yourself permission to give your best to what you can!
Sabbath: Schedule your rest and Sabbath. It sounds funny to have to calendar your rest, but if it’s not on your calendar, it won’t happen. Prepare ahead of time by scheduling what you will do on the day before and the day after so you can be fully present to enjoyment with God!
Space: Examine what your days are filled with - relationships, work, family, routines. Which are the most life-giving, and how much time are you spending there? What are you willing to let go of to create more space for rest? Build a list of how you’ll engage Jesus’ invitation for rest with him on a daily, weekly, and monthly rhythm!
A friend shared some of life’s best advice: We are human BE-ings, not human DO-ings. So, pause with all the doing, and allow yourself space to embrace the human being that God has created you to be!