3 Habits That Mark A Reflective Life

You are shaped by what you've been through, and even more, you are shaped by how you interpret what you've been through. God's invitation to you is to partner together in shaping who you're becoming, more than being a casual spectator in your own life.

Being a purpose-driven participant in the life God has created for you is taking time to look back and reflect well so as to not miss what he has for you.

In life, when it gets painful, full of pressure, busy, it's always easier to be reactive than reflective. Being reflective isn't natural instinct. The forward-motion culture humans live in values speed and fuels the desire to keep moving, never look back, and never slow down.

God's invitation is to slow down and reflect well so that past moments can become defining moments. Here are 3 habits to practice reflecting well:

  1. Remember: Hebrews 10:32 says, "Think back on those early days when you first learned about Christ. Remember how you remained faithful even though it meant terrible suffering." It's in your willingness to stare down the past and see it like it was so that God can give you insight for what's next. Often times, because of the pain you've experienced or the shame of your bad choice, you'd rather just move on, right? But does that do any good? It's why it's so important to invite partnership from God and others so you can experience the grace of God and the support of others. Reflection starts with remembering honestly.

  2. Recognize: Hebrews 10 continues, "You knew there were better things waiting for you that will last forever. So, do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord. Remember the great reward it brings you!" Don't miss the good God has for you and for those around you. In these moments of reflection, learn to see what God sees and also to see like God sees. This is why you need partnership with God - he sees what you don't, he knows what he's working on, and he's got more in mind for you than you could have. Whatever has happened to you - good, bad, ordinary, extraordinary - God has something for you in it.

  3. Redirect: This is where reflection turns into repentance. Hebrews 10:36 says, "Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God's will. Then you will receive all that he has promised." Because of all you have been through and what God has shown you, you can become something better.

As you cultivate this kind of reflective life, you begin to build a library of stories of the steps you're taking to become more and more of what God has in mind for you. So, decide:

  • Where and when will you make the time to reflect?

  • Who are the people who can help you reflect well?

  • Who can ask you powerful questions?

Stop. Look. Reflect. Remember. Recognize. God has something for you. Let God be your partner in shaping you into everything he has in mind for you to be.