Shoulder To Shoulder | Overview

Partners Go Together—Who are you going with? Where are you going together?

Everyone wants meaningful relationships that make life better. Great friendships and partnerships are formed shoulder-to-shoulder, with a shared purpose. Find the joy, support, and challenge that God has in mind for you to become more like him, together.

“Shoulder to Shoulder” Group Study - Introduction

Welcome to the Shoulder to Shoulder group study! The Discovery Study method used here is a simple set of questions to help you and a few others look at a passage of the Bible and hear from God. No matter your experience level with the Bible, working through these questions with others can help you discover, do, and share what God is telling you right now. Each study should take around 90 minutes in total, although each study may vary slightly. Do whatever works best for you and your people!

This first week will look a little bit different. Before jumping into some Old Testament partnerships, spend some time setting goals and discussing expectations together! There is always so much potential and expectation that comes along with a newly formed group. God is always up to something when he brings people together, which is a great way to discover what that is with one another.

Below are a few helpful questions to ponder as you look at the beginning of the church, the first group of Christians to ever come together! There is so much to learn. These passages showcase the earliest Christian group and ask some good questions to consider how your group can look like theirs did in all the best ways.

Read Acts 2:42-47

  • What was the first group of Jesus followers committed to doing together?

  • What was the end result of community in the early church?

  • What can our group not afford to miss from Acts 2?

  • How will you think well about how your group might “add to your number” and invite others to discover Jesus with you?

  • What will we do now that will help us multiply this group in the future?

  • How will our group obey what we’ve read in this Scripture?

  • What will your part individually be?

After reading and discussing the passage, ask:

  • How is what we read in Acts 2 similar or different to what you were expecting or hoping for in a group?

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Whether you’re new to Canyon Ridge or have been around for a while, Discover Canyon Ridge is your chance to find out more about what God is up to, how to take your next steps toward Jesus, and how to connect with others in new ways!

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