Prayer Practice | Prayer Journaling

Isis Goode shares a way she has encountered God time and time again in prayer through a practice of journaling.

Whether prayer journaling is a routine part of your life or something wholly unfamiliar, we can all discover what God has to say! Prayer journaling is simply writing down conversations with God on paper, in a journal, or even in your Notes app.

Why take time to write down your prayers?

  • Like Isis shared, your life moves at a fast pace and is prone to distraction. As you are exploring what it looks like to live and move with a Kingdom pace - one that is sustainable, full of joy, and meaningful - prayer journaling is one practice for us to take our time to write or type, and be present and intentional with our words and thoughts in daily conversation with God.

  • Isis also shared that documenting your life through prayer is a beautiful and powerful way to not only look back and see all of God's fingerprints in your life but also to grow a daily awareness and dependence for God in our present.

This week, commit to prayer journaling using this conversation starter:

What is distracting you from being a peaceful presence to the people around you? Ask the Holy Spirit to grow your awareness as you pursue greater presence within yourself, partnered with the Spirit, and for the good of those around you!

Who can you share this prayer practice with?

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