Prayer Practice | Breath Prayer

Prayer is a way to take a breath and find rest in God’s presence. Ephesians 6:18 says, "Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion..." How can we pray at all times, without ceasing?

As humans, breathing is natural to us. We breathe without ceasing to stay alive. And similarly, as followers of Jesus, we pray without ceasing to remain alive in the Spirit.

Have you ever thought to use your breath as a way to pray? A breath prayer is simply that: allowing your breath to expand and deepen your awareness of God's presence.

Gustavo is a student here at Canyon Ridge and leads us through a breath prayer. But the beauty of a breath prayer is that you make it your own (with different Scriptures, promises, and truths of who God is) as you become intentional with your breath, mindful of your thoughts, and learn to pray without ceasing.

Inhale deeply.

God, this is your breath in my lungs.


Exhale deeply.

Remind me that you're with me right now.

Again. Breathe. Pray. Without Ceasing.

Anytime, anywhere, with anyone.

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