The Life We Bring: Pray

Jesus once said that a fully trained student will be like his teacher. So, in order to become more like Jesus, we have to be shaped by Him.

Prayer has to be a central part of who we are. Having regular practices alone AND with others to give God space to speak and change us is how we allow God to shape us. If we want our relationships to deepen and to be shaped by God, praying WITH and FOR others is a great way to do that. Hearing from and responding to God alongside the people He has placed around us has the ability to shape and change us in many impactful ways. This means praying for the things that are currently happening in the lives of people around us, but also praying into the future of who they are becoming. Who could you invite to join you in this practice? Who around you could you begin praying for without them even knowing at first, and then invite them to join you along the way? Watch as God shapes your relationships in powerful ways as you invite Him to speak in new ways.