Prayer Practices | Prayer of Reflection

Simply put, a Prayer of Reflection is when we focus our attention and intention on the character of God. The beauty of this prayer practice is that, as Danny shared with us, it can often be used with different prayer practices that we've explored in this guide, like prayer postures and praying through Scripture.

Danny shares a helpful model for his time of reflective prayer:

  • Gratitude: Start by thanking God for who he is, for who you know him to be, and for who you are discovering him to be

  • Ask: Sometimes being still can be difficult, so ask God for his help for discernment, for a listening and attentive ear, and expect his presence as you become present with Him

  • Scripture: Read and meditate on the Word of God to focus your mind on the truth of who he says he is - Exodus 34:6 says, "The Lord passed in front of Moses, calling out, “Yahweh! The Lord! The God of compassion and mercy! I am slow to anger and filled with unfailing love and faithfulness."

"Teach us to be still and to reflect on who you are." Who can you share in this prayer with?

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