Prayer Practice | A Blessing Prayer

Most people want to love others and listen well. Prayer is a way to do just that: having prayerful lives full of conversational encounters with Jesus lead us to loving encounters with others.

Dallas Willard's definition of blessing is "the projection of good into the life of another.” Prayer is a way we can project good into the lives around us, and as LifeBringers, this is the life we want to pursue: blessing others with God's Spirit as we bring his life to the people around us.

Explore the practice of praying through Scripture, giving you words to meditate on and agree with - words that align with what is true of God, and what you want to be true of you and your people. In this video, Kristi will lead you in a prayer through a psalm:

Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting you. Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you. - Psalm 143:8

Take time to pray through Psalm 143:8. Who in your life can you pray this Scripture with and for?

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