Mental Health Study | Helping Your Kids with Mental Health

Globally, nearly 15% of young people ages 10-19 experience a mental health disorder. Perhaps you've never struggled with mental health issues, but the chances are good that a young person in your life might be. Here are some things to watch for in your kids, grandchildren, students, and friends fighting a battle with their mental health:

When kids and students are grappling with mental health issues, parent support can be a game-changer in their journey toward healing and resilience. Create a safe and non-judgmental space where they feel comfortable expressing their feelings and struggles. Don't try to fix anything; just listen attentively and validate their emotions, letting them know it's okay not to be okay sometimes. Encourage open communication and offer gentle reassurance that they're not alone. Advocate for their needs and connect them with resources like therapy, counseling, or school support services. Foster a supportive community where they feel accepted and understood, helping to combat feelings of isolation and stigma. With your unwavering support and guidance, they'll find the courage to navigate through their mental health journey and emerge stronger on the other side.

Helpful Questions To Ask

  • How are you, really?

  • What's going on in your life these days?

  • Is there anywhere you are struggling?

  • How are your friends?

  • How can I support you in this?