Gratitude: Goodness of God

Music can shift a heart that feels uncertain or discouraged to one that is full of hope and gratitude. When we listen to or sing songs that have placed Jesus at the center, our whole perspective can change. We will become more aware of His presence and His goodness.

David wrote these words in Psalm 63, “Your unfailing love is better than life itself; how I praise you!  I will praise you as long as I live, lifting up my hands to you in prayer. You satisfy me more than the richest feast. I will praise you with songs of joy.”

Read Psalm 103 slowly 2-3 times, and on a piece of paper or in a journal, write down the good things God has done, as described in this passage.

Spend some time reflecting on how God has shown himself to be faithful and good in your life and say “Thank you” out loud. As you call to mind the good things He has done for you, make a list and place it somewhere visible in your house, so you can continue to give thanks! And if you include names of people on that list, take a moment to let them know why you are thankful for them.

Think of someone you can share this song, Psalm 103, or a story of God’s goodness with, and reach out to them!

What’s next?

Listen to the Gratitude playlist:

  • Use it in your quiet time with God.

  • Play it in your car on the way to/from work.

  • Fill your home with this music! It will change the atmosphere.

After you have experienced this playlist, think of someone you know that would be encouraged by these songs. Send them a text and share your experience with them. Then share the playlist so they can experience it as well!

We hope you are encouraged by who He is, and that his love will richly satisfy you as you sing out the truths of these songs.

GratitudeNick Bynum