How To Pray For Your Neighborhood

Have you ever wondered how you can make an impact…right where you are? People tend to overcomplicate things, but neighboring well doesn’t have to be rocket science! Here’s a simple, yet powerful prayer practice to begin making an impact right in your neighborhood.

All throughout Scripture are scenes and images of people learning to walk with Jesus, even modeled in Jesus’ life on earth, as he walked with the Father. Prayer walking is a rich practice of praying, engaging in conversation with God, as you walk up and down the sidewalks of your neighborhood. It is a way to invite deep consideration and care for those you know or may not know yet, and to make yourself attentive and available for the people around you.

Here are a few helpful tips you’ll find on this resource for prayer walking:

  1. Invite a friend, relative, or fellow neighbor to prayer walk with you! Walk in prayerful silence or pray out loud. Have a conversation afterwards about what and who you were praying for and what God may be speaking to you and your friend! This would also be a great opportunity to invite your prayer team to pray alongside you.

  2. Pray through Scripture! Is there a particular Scripture that God has placed on your heart or brings to mind? Meditate on it and let his Word guide and shape your prayers!

  3. Invite God to reveal his heart to you. How does he see your neighbors? What is he inviting you to do as a good neighbor? What are you learning about neighboring well and loving in a tangible way? Let this time of prayer be life-giving in your relationship with God!

As you prayer walk, what do you sense God saying to you? Prayerfully dream big for your neighborhood - for deep and meaningful relationships with God and others!